We support one another and the community as we share Christ's love.

Stephen Ministry

Loving and caring for one another is not just the pastor’s job—it’s something Jesus calls us all to do! Through our Stephen Ministry trained Stephen Ministers, with special gifts for caring, we put those gifts to use in an organized way, bringing Jesus’ love and care to those who most need it.

The Stephen Ministers at our Albuquerque church support people struggling with grief, divorce, cancer, hospitalization, physical rehabilitation, long-term care, chronic illness, terminal illness, job loss, loneliness and other life struggles.

Stephen Ministry is the one-to-one lay caring ministry that takes place in congregations that use the Stephen Series system. More than 11,000 congregations, from more than 160 denominations, and in all 50 states have Stephen Ministry. Stephen Ministry is an important part of our Mission to Share God’s Love with All of His Children here at Christ Lutheran Church and School.

If you or someone you know is going through a difficult time, contact Pastor Eric about Stephen Ministry. The Stephen Ministers at our Albuquerque church are ready to provide focused, confidential, one-to-one Christian care—to help that person experience the healing power of Christ’s love.

Jesus says, “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” — John 15:12

Community Supported Organizations

We share God’s love with various community organizations by sharing our facilities. The following organizations use our facilities on a regular basis.

      • Cub Scouts
      • Rio Grande Turtle
      • Tortoise Club
      • Cribbage Club

      Prayer Support

      At the heart of our Mission is prayer. An active Christian prayer team at our Albuquerque church prays for the congregation, members, and others in need as requests are brought to the attention of the team.

      We have a Prayer Warrior Group that meets on Wednesday mornings to pray for our school and staff members.

      Months that have a fifth Sunday, the church is open at 9 a.m. for a special time dedicated to prayer. Come when you can, take time to talk with God. Prayer requests can be submitted, leaders are available to pray for any prayer requests.