Sharing God’s Love with All of His Children

Central to our mission statement “Sharing God’s Love with All of His Children While Growing Together in Christ” is “Sharing God’s Love with All of His Children” through Mission work. We are active in Mission locally, regionally and internationally. If you have a heart for serving and helping others we promise we have a place where you can put your heart to work!!! Some of the core missions and church service opportunities at our Albuquerque church include:

God Cares About You Mission

We are the sponsoring Church for God Cares About You, a mission located at the gateway into the International District, one block north of Central on Pennsylvania, at 126 Pennsylvania Ave NE. This mission, serving the poorest of poor, touches people's lives over 2,000 times monthly by providing food, clothing, Bible Studies, a children’s ministry, back to work programs and other support activities.

Programs include food and clothing distribution, Bible Studies, Back to Work programs, a Friday Children’s program, free meals and worship, and evangelism. There are many volunteer and donation opportunities. For more information on God Cares About You, it’s Mission and volunteer opportunities click here. Get Involved!

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Benjamin Helge, Missionary in Havířov-Šumbark, Czech Republic

Many of us watched as Benjamin grew up as a child, youth and young adult in our Congregation. At an early age you could see his servant heart in action. We are humbly pleased to now support him as a Missionary in Havířov-Šumbark, Czech Republic.

He keeps us informed through monthly newsletters and annual trips home of how God is using him to touch lives across the world to teach about Jesus.

Learn more

Lutheran Women’s Missionary League

The Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML) is the official women's auxiliary of the The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. For 75 years, the LWML has focused on affirming each woman's relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to support global missions. Known as Christ Lutheran Women's Guild, women of all ages with a heart for missions gather for Bible study, servant events and activities. Our congregation supports local, regional, national and international missions through mites (monetary gifts) and service. This vibrant and active group welcomes all women.

Short-Term Mission Opportunities

If you want to serve regionally or internationally on short term missions, there is always a church service opportunity at Albuquerque's Christ Lutheran Church and School and our associated missions.

Many summers we have members and friends go to China to teach English. Our sponsored Christian Missionary Benjamin Helge, in the Havířov-Šumbark, Czech Republic, welcomes volunteers to help with his summer Bible Camps, and English language groups.


Our Quilters touch the world with Christ's Love by preparing over a 100 quilts each year that are distributed to those in need in Albuquerque, our Nation and the World. Great opportunity for fellowship and sharing Christ's Love. Quilters group meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. 

Food Pantry

Our food pantry is located in the church office. We provide food to those in need on a monthly basis. Our food pantry is supported 100% by food donations from church members, and friends of Christ Lutheran.

Clothing, Toy & Food Drives

In addition to supporting our God Cares About You Mission and Food Pantry with clothing and food donations, we sponsor numerous drives and collections for local missions and people in need in our community. Including supply collections, Thanksgiving food baskets, Christmas toys and clothes drives, Operation Christmas Child, and more. Volunteers and donations to this church service opportunity at our Albuquerque church are always needed and appreciated.

Wycliff Bible Translators-Tim & Martha Matzke

For years we have supported the Matzke family as they have worked as Wycliff Bible Translators. Our Sunday School and Bible Class offerings provide support as they share the Gospel to the far reaches of the world in languages that the Bible is only now being translated. We look forward to their trips home to share the work they are doing.

Ysleta Lutheran Mission

We touch lives with Christ’s love through the Ysleta Lutheran Mission. The Mission provides relief and human care services while planting and nurturing missions on the U.S./Mexico border (El Paso/Juarez region).

Navajo Mission

We support the Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church in Navajo, New Mexico. The church serves the people of the local and surrounding communities by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, healing generational trauma and discipling new believers in the Christian faith.

The long term goal is to raise up Native leaders able to witness to their Lord in Navajo, and the Navajo Nation, the largest reservation in the U.S. Activities at the mission include: Sunday worship, Vacation Bible School, Sunday school, weekly Bible study, confirmation classes, service projects, food pantry, and monthly breakfasts. Many volunteers from around the U.S. have also served at the mission.